Which device is right for me?
Luggables - cheap, lightweight economy for classrooms and large rooms; designed to be tucked out of the way
Filtering furniture (End Table and Tower of Power) - nicer paneling for the living room to blend with your furniture
Exhalarons - for meeting tables, bedrooms and ultra portability. Add a pair of removable flow-straightening louvers for appointments or travel when you want to hog all the clean air yourself. Try the triple for medium rooms
Brisk Box - ultra economy but with taped filters instead of the friction fit available with Luggables and filtering furniture
Scientifically Optimized
We tested dozens of fan & filter combos to create unprecedented efficiency in: Price, Energy, Noise.
Want a quick sizing rule for meeting ASHRAE 241 Control of Infectious Aerosols in homes & classrooms?
One PC fan per room occupant -
3M Virus + Allergen Filters
In EPA tests, a MERV13 CR Box drew down 97% of bio-aerosols in 30 minutes and 99.4% in 60 for a 3000 cb ft chamber. 3M Filtrete have the highest airflow amongst MERV13 brands, enabling a compact design with 1" thick filters. Replace with Filtrete 1900 or 2200 @ 6-12 months
Silent Pressure Fans
Not all fans can pull thru MERV13. We identified the best value "High Static Pressure" fans from popular gaming PC vendors
Easy Slip-In Filter Changes
Foam weatherseal and pre-tensioner bungees keep filters snug. Guards slide off & filters slide out and back in for replacement every 6-12 months.

Unintuitively Quiet
It's dead simple. CleanAirKits deliver top-end portable HEPA cleaning rates and they're QUIET. At that performance level, HEPA are not quiet -- people turn them down or turn them off. And we need them to be on and high-performing to passively remove covid, allergens and pollutants.The exceptionally large, unencumbered filtration area provided by dual micro pleated 3M Filtretes, and our diffuse banks of silent pressure fans make this possible. Delivering 200-500 cubic feet per minute of clean air means the boxes filter 1000-2000 faster than an adult human breathes!

Industry Leading Efficiencies
PC fan CR Boxes can save hundreds in electricity and filter replacement costs compared to large HEPAs with equivalent clean air delivery
- Upfront cost + 2 filter changes + 3 year @$.22/kWh
- 40 CADR cfm/occupant
- most efficient speed < 50dB

Always On Safety
Since a Clean Air Kit is not loud and power hungry like most HEPA purifiers, it can always be running. And if it's always running, it's always adding a layer of protection for you and your family from smoke, pollen & airborne transmission of viruses like Flu, RSV, and Covid.
This corresponds to the pandemic HVAC best practice of continuously running furnace fan circulation with MERV13 or MERV14 filtration.

Contagion Risk decays exponentially with faster air cleaning
March 2022: Study of 10,441 Italian Classrooms with varying mechanical ventilation up to 6 ACH.
Large Capacity
Choose clean air delivery rates up to 500 cfm -- comparable to the largest HEPA purifiers and C-R cubes. Lowers viral concentrations substantially within classrooms and dining rooms.
Quiet on Full
Clean Air Kits produce 5-10x less noise than HEPA purifiers at max capacity.
One Speed Design
Speed controls defeat the efficacy of most HEPAs -- people turn them down to quiet where air cleaning slows. We have just one speed: silent full blast!
Unprecedented Energy Efficiency
Decades of competition has driven amazing silence + efficiency in PC fans. Our fan banks use 6-16W -- comparable to a LED bulb!
shop your’s
CleanAirKits Purifier

Support American Jobs
CleanAirKits are assembled in USA with > 60% in-region content under USMCA