The dream portable air purifier for schools. Here's why:

  • Budget-friendly
  • Energy-efficient without sacrificing cleaning rates
  • Whisper quiet so teachers happily run CleanAirKits the entire school day while rapidly removing pathogens in the background

Let’s break it down further:

  • Budget-friendly

    • Half the cost of the most common HEPA air purifiers used in most U.S. schools
    • Replacement filters (MERV13 virus-grade furnace filters) are also half the cost
    • The only Corsi-Rosenthal boxes carrying UL507, FCC, and CARB certifications
  • Energy-efficient

    • 6-18 watts compared to 60-120 watts of typical school purifiers
    • Unprecedented 25 CADR / watt cleaning efficiency (EnergyStar pending)
  • Quiet = it will actually be used

    • Would you want to teach (or try to listen to a teacher) while vacuuming at the same time?
    • Typical room purifiers have to be turned on the highest setting (“level 5,” “turbo”) to boost air changes per hour enough to prevent the spread of viruses
    • At the higher levels, the noise becomes so loud that teachers and students don’t want to compete with it when trying to talk, so the teacher almost always turns it to a lower level (and therefore lower Clean Air Delivery Rate). Often, a teacher will just turn it off entirely
  • One setting = user-friendly

    • No buttons; only a plug. A timer can be added to any CleanAirKits so the teacher never has to touch it. Not having to remember to turn an air purifier on every day means 100% compliance
    • It’s not fair or realistic to ask a teacher to remember to turn an air purifier on and off every day, and to remember which settings to use
    • Some schools have a maintenance worker or facility manager walk through the school in the morning and after hours to turn the purifiers on and off. That is a LOT time that could be spent on other work

Need to convince decision-makers at your school that improved indoor air quality is important?

It’s a given that we all care about student/staff health. In addition, cleaning the indoor air also leads to better learning (and test scores) and increased attendance. 

Here’s an example from one elementary school in Missouri where (like most states), school funding is directly tied to attendance, not enrollment.

For approximately $600 per class, two air purifiers in each room could result in a decrease in illness-related absences and a potential for approximately $30,000 saved in funding per classroom due to students attending more instead of staying home sick. 

Put another way, $24,000 for an entire school installation of Clean Air Kits Tower of Power purifiers could result in $150,000-$200,000 extra funding per year. The continued cost per year for filter replacements would be even less (less than $4,000) while continuing to reap the benefits of an extra $150,000+ per year of additional funding due to students being healthy and in attendance.

Parents/Caregivers: Want to advocate for cleaner indoor air in your child’s school? Here is a guide with helpful and practical tips to get started:

STEM projects to empower students & teachers

Only CleanAirKits offer students and teachers a hands-on, community building option to clean classroom air. Our unassembled STEM Panel Kits are a fine introduction to air quality, electronics, and maker techniques for students from elementary through adult. (STEM Kits assemble the same way as our pre-assembled, factory certified units). Most find this new, constructive way to take charge of health & safety uniquely rewarding. Because panel kits ship in flat packs, cost conscious and international customers see substantial savings compared to pre-assembled units.